Well, I am here. I am sitting in Shanta's living room, finally able to connect the computer, and missing everyone so badly... it's funny how I didn't believe in jetlag, and I didn't believe in culture shock either, but they both exist... funny that.
Maybe it is because I am staying in a suburb with a native indian, but so far it really is not as scary as people have made it out to be... (people including a security guard at the plane check-in who tried to convince me to go anywhere else). I had one incident where a stray hand swept into the auto-rickshaw and copped a quick feel, and one incident with children begging, but so far so good. I know this isn't Delhi, though, and not the center of Bombay, so my guard is still up, but I trying to trust.
My first moments off the plane were completely awestruck, and filled with this indescribable feeling that India is alive in a way that goes beyond anything that is happening in front of your eyes... and my first night (last night) I could only sleep two hours, and kept thinking about how I never ever could have imagined this place. Never...
But today, after a surreal shopping experience, and three hours of puja and lecture on the Srimad Bhagavatam - in Hindi - I am tired, belly-aching, and I'll admit - a bit homesick. I have not seen a single light-skinned person in two days, and I'm often so quiet that the sound of my American voice shocks me.
I had a long think today about what I am doing in this crazy place, and came to the realization that I am here to try to find out why I want to be here.
Tomorrow I am going to Mathura - Krisna's birthplace - with Shanta and her non-english speaking, but very sweet, sister... and five days from now I am on my own.
I can't quite think with the Indian Soap Operas in the background, so I will close here. Please leave comments or emails, it is sooooo nice to hear from you all.
So much love....
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