Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bombay Guest House

It is hard to believe I have only been here 5 days. I was swooped up into the perfect place and it is like being in college with no rules, no classes, no time, no worries, and the people are all butterflies. The people - seriously - I have never met more easy-going, accepting, open, beautiful people in my life. I Mean that. The guest house is full of such truly genuine, kind, treasures of people, I feel I have known them my whole life. The conversation is beyond intriguing, the relaxed-ness is beyond time, the stories are beyond enlightening, the vibe is beyond kind. I have also never been in a place where more magical things happen - it is as if the universe took the cruxes of the most interesting stories and placed them in one city:

Today, I was wandering through the open center square at the guest house - filtering water or whatnot - and the indian man who plays the Been is sitting filling the space with bag-pipe and flute-like sounds (the beautiful Been), and Chris Rae picks up the drum, and suddenly we are dancing around in the most ecstatic dance I have ever experienced - the sun bright, the music enchanting, people spontaneously moving - all of a sudden - there was no pretense, no invitation, no self-consciousness, no expectation - it just was the perfect moment to break out in dance and we danced danced danced... the moment only lasted a few minutes, but it was a timeless few minutes - magical, like so many of these moments. IF you want to know what I mean, I think you should come to India

Om Shanti


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